Top 5 Ways to Find Content Ideas When Your Mind Goes Blank

Number 5 is unusual, did you ever hear about it before?

Himanshi Solanki
3 min readMay 30, 2021
Photo by Bruno Scramgnon from Pexels

No matter how many years of writing experience you have, you would feel run blank about content ideas every once in a while.

And, this is even tougher for new bloggers, like me.

There might be hundreds of topics to choose from but not all are motivating enough to write about them, hence, we end up writing about something totally unworthy, if at all we write.

So, what do we do then?

Here are my top 5 content ideas that help me during such blackouts:

  1. Choose from the list

Every writer has a list of topics made that they want to write about next. These topics crop from our random thoughts which means we found them interesting enough to include them in our list. So, go back to that list, on your phone, laptop, website, etc., and choose a topic that excites you the most to write about, for now.

2. Pick up from the news

We all know that hot topics get the best engagement on any platform and there’s no better place than news to choose a hot topic from. Open your social media feed or turn on the news channel, sift through them for a while and find the most trending or intriguing topic to write about. This way, you’ll avoid wasting your time and energy on writing a lame piece of content.

3. Talk to people

Have a conversation with people around you, your family, friends, or even strangers. You could also call a couple of people and have a thorough conversation with them. Humans are full of ideas, opinions, and thoughts, I’m sure something would pique your interest, and voila, you have found your topic.

4. Revisit your memories

It’s no secret that storytelling is the greatest form of content writing. Real-life stories appeal to every sect of readers because people love to hear about others’ life experiences. Moreover, sharing personal experiences help people connect with you and trust you like never before.

5. Visit your phone’s gallery

This is the black sheep of all and my latest favorite.

If none of the above four ways seem to work for you, just sit back and scroll through your old photos. Every image has a story, an experience, an emotion behind it, you could choose any photo whose story hits you the strongest. This method would not only allow you to find a great story to write about but would also ease out your blank state of mind without being harsh on you.

It is absolutely normal to feel blank at times since our brains are constantly working leading to occasional burnouts. At such times, pushing ourselves beyond our wits might not yield the best results plus it could take a toll on our health too. So, it’s wise to choose a method that would work out the best for you at the time without draining your brain further.

Now, there could be various other ways to find content ideas but these are my top 5, which, I hope, could be useful for you too.

Number 5 is my favorite because I have never heard or read about something like this before. It simply cropped up from my thoughts whilst I was scrolling through my images one day.

So, next time when you reach an impasse regarding content ideas, just choose one of these ways and see the ideas and motivation flowing like a river.

So, tell me now, did you ever hear about the number 5 before?



Himanshi Solanki

Digital Marketing Instructor | Content strategist | Paid media Specialist